In an exciting announcement, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov shared that the popular messaging app is on the verge of launching a series of powerful updates specifically aimed at Mini Apps. These changes promise to revolutionize the way developers create interactive applications and games within Telegram, opening up numerous possibilities for both functionality and engagement. With ten new features set to be rolled out, Telegram is positioning itself as an even more versatile platform for app developers and end-users alike. Here’s a breakdown of what’s coming and why these updates are significant.
Mini Apps, small applications embedded within Telegram, have been gaining popularity among developers and users for their convenience and seamless integration. Durov’s announcement indicates that Telegram is doubling down on its investment in this technology, expanding the capabilities available to developers and giving users more reasons to stay within the Telegram ecosystem.
The upcoming features will empower developers to create diverse app experiences, from immersive games to advanced productivity tools. Durov has highlighted ten key features that will be available within the next month. Two of these updates, expanded messaging limits and ad monetization, are already live, while the rest are expected to be rolled out within the next two to four weeks.
Here’s a closer look at the new features Telegram is introducing:
1. Full-Screen Mode:
Aimed at improving the user experience, Full-Screen Mode allows Mini Apps to take over the entire display, providing a more immersive experience. This feature will be especially beneficial for games, visual applications, and any app requiring a larger canvas.
2. Home Screen:
Shortcuts: This feature will enable users to add specific Mini Apps directly to their home screen. Developers can now create apps that are more accessible, allowing users to open them with a single tap from outside Telegram, which is expected to increase engagement.
3. Subscription Plans:
With this addition, developers can implement paid subscription models within their Mini Apps, potentially creating new revenue streams. This will allow app creators to monetize exclusive content, premium features, and more.
4. Geolocation Access (with Permissions):
Apps can now access users' location data, provided they have permission, which is particularly useful for location-based services. This feature opens up possibilities for apps related to travel, weather, social networking, and local recommendations.
5. Device Orientation Data:
By accessing device orientation data, developers can enhance apps that rely on sensor data, such as games that use tilting controls or utilities like compasses and AR-based tools.
6. Emoji Status Access:
This feature will enable developers to read and possibly react to users' emoji statuses, adding an extra layer of personalization and interactivity within apps. Developers could use this to tailor responses or show specific content based on users' moods or statuses.
7. Media Sharing:
Users will soon be able to share images, videos, and other media files directly within Mini Apps. This feature is likely to enhance photo and video editing apps, social tools, and collaborative spaces, making it easier to share and interact with content without leaving the app.
8. Sending Gifts:
The introduction of gifting capabilities could be game-changing for social apps, games, and reward-based systems. Users may soon be able to send gifts in the form of digital items, tokens, or possibly even cryptocurrencies, adding a new dimension of interaction and engagement.
9. Expanded Messaging Limits:
This feature, already live, allows for a higher message limit within Mini Apps, enabling richer conversations and interactions. This is especially beneficial for social and collaborative apps that rely on communication among users.
10. Ad Monetization:
Telegram’s new ad monetization feature, which has also already been activated, provides developers with a way to generate income from their Mini Apps. Ad placements within apps can help app creators monetize free apps, and Telegram's ad system promises a non-intrusive experience that keeps user experience in mind.
This ambitious update aligns with Telegram's vision to build a comprehensive ecosystem that is more than just a messaging platform. With these enhancements, Telegram is directly competing with other platforms that host mini-app ecosystems, such as WeChat in China and increasingly WhatsApp. This move demonstrates Telegram’s commitment to becoming a multifunctional platform capable of handling various user needs in one place, from communication to entertainment and productivity.
By expanding the capabilities of Mini Apps, Telegram is also laying the groundwork for developers to experiment with unique app concepts. For instance, full-screen games, interactive social apps that rely on geolocation, and media-sharing tools can now be built natively on Telegram. Subscription plans and ad monetization ensure that developers can also build viable business models on the platform.
According to Durov, the remaining features will be fully rolled out within the next two to four weeks. The CEO encouraged developers to prepare their Mini Apps to take advantage of these updates. This announcement indicates that Telegram will likely continue evolving the Mini Apps ecosystem, adding more features and possibly opening up new revenue opportunities in the future.
The announcement has been well-received by the developer community, with many already brainstorming ways to leverage these tools to create engaging applications. As these features go live, it will be interesting to see the creative uses developers come up with and how users respond to this broader app experience within Telegram.
In the coming months, Telegram may likely gain more users and developers as the platform becomes more robust and versatile. For now, all eyes are on Telegram’s next updates, as the messaging platform continues to push the envelope on what a communication app can offer.
With this major update, Telegram has established itself as a strong competitor in the mini-app landscape, and it will be exciting to see how this impacts the broader app development ecosystem. As Durov said, “Get your Min
i Apps ready!”Telegram’s doors are open for innovation.